
WBBSE Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion Important | দশম শ্রেণী প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন ইংলিশ

প্রিয় ছাত্র ছাত্রীরা, আজকের এই পোস্টে দশম শ্রেণীর জন্য প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন এর ইংলিশ বিষয়ের ( Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion ) অধ্যায় ভিত্তিক সাজেশন দেওয়া হল । এই প্রশ্নগুলি ভালো করে অধ্যায়ন করলে তোমরা প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন এ অনেকগুলি প্রশ্ন কমন পেয়ে যাবে । তার সাথে প্রশ্নগুলি তোমাদের আসন্ন ২০২৩ মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষার জন্য খুব সাহায্য করবে।

বিষয়ভিত্তিক সাজেশন এর জন্য আমাদের টেলিগ্রাম ও ফেসবুক পেজ এ Join করে রাখতে পারো।

Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

Father’s help

Fill in the blanks: Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.With a shutter Swami realised that it was___

Ans: Monday

2. When Swami ought to have been in the school prayer hall he was lying on the___

Ans: Bench

3. Changing his tactics swaminathan complained about___

Ans: Becoming late for school

4. Father decided to send the headmaster a____

Ans: A letter

5. The colour of Samuel’s coat was_____

Ans:  Yellow

6. While going to school swaminathan was____

Ans:  Confused

7. When Swami entered the class Samuel was teaching___

Ans:  Arithmetic

8. “We want more parents like him” here, ‘him’ refers to___

Ans:  Swami’s father

9. Father snatched the letter and____.

Ans:  Tore it up

True/false: Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.Swami said that he had a headache____

Supporting statement:

2. According to Swami the headmaster was not afraid of Samuel____

Supporting statement:

3. Fathers behaviour took an unexpected turn____

Supporting statement:

4. The peon told Swami that the headmaster was in his room____

Supporting statement:

Very short type Question Answer: Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.Why did Swami shudder?

2. What did Swami fail to decide about Samuel?

3. How did swaminathan want to avoid going to school?

Short type Question Answer:

1.Why did swaminathan’s conscience bother him?

2. Samuel looked impressed-what made Samuel so impressed?


Fill in the blanks: Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.Bun has no doubt that the mountain is___

Ans: Big

2. The quarrel was between the mountain and the___

Ans: Squirrel

3. “And formar called the latter, “little prig”. Here former refers to___

Ans: The mountain.

4. The term little prig used for___

Ans: Squirrel

5. The word “spry” suggests that the squirrel is____

Ans: Lively

6. “But all sorts of things and weather” together make up___

Ans: A year and a sphere

True or false: Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.The squirrel is more spry than the mountain___

Supporting statement: 

2. The mountain and the squirrel seemed to be good friends___

Supporting statement:

3. According to the squirrel everyone’s talent is similar____

Supporting statement:

4. ‘Bun’ here refers to an inanimate object____

Supporting statement:

5. To occupy its own place according to the squirrel is a disgrace___

Supporting statement:

6. The mountain can crack a nut__

Supporting statement:

7. The mountain makes a beautiful track for the squirrel____

Supporting statement:

8. The squirrel called the mountain “little prig”___

Supporting statement:

Very short type Question Answer: Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.What is not a disgrace to the squirrel?

2. Who puts all well and wisely?

3. What did the squirrel think about occupying its place?

4. How according to bun can a year be made up?

5. What can the squirrel do that the mountain cannot?

Short type Question Answer: Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.What is the ultimate moral established by the poem fable?

The passing away of Bapu

1.Gandhiji had been shot on his way to

Ans:  Birla house

2. The author came to know of Gandhiji’s death by

Ans: A telephone

3. Gandhiji’s funeral was to take place

Ans:  One day after his death

4. Padmasi was Mrs Naidu’s

Ans: daughter

5. Gandhiji’s ashes were taken to

Ans: Allahabad

6. A huge crowd had gathered by the

Ans: Ganges

7. People could feel Gandhiji’s presence amid the

Ans: Flowers and songs

8. The author felt __ after returning to Delhi

Ans: Helpless

9. The narrator felt that he had grown up within a magic

Ans: Circle

True/false Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.Gandhiji had been shot on his way to a political meeting___

Supporting statement:

2. According to the narrator, to walk is to make slow progress___

Supporting statement:

3. People shouted while watching the procession___

Supporting statement:

4. A general took Gandhiji’s ashes to Allahabad___

Supporting statement:

5. With the date of Mahatma Gandhi common people of India felt themselves unprotected___

Supporting statement:

Very short type Question Answer: Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.What broadcast did the common people listen to?

2. Why was it impossible to move?

3. What could not the narrator accept?

4. What does the author mean by magic circle?

5. How did the magic circle vanish?

Short type Question Answer: Class 10 English 1st Unit Test Suggestion

1.Why is the prevailing silence described as unnatural?

2. Why did the people look like lost children?

3. How special was the work with the funeral procession as described by the narrator?

4. What was the narrator’s assessment about herself and Gandhiji after coming back to Delhi from Allahabad?

Writing Skill

1.Letter Writing:

  • Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the problems of irregular clearance of garbage in your locality.
  • Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the problems faced by commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles.
  • Write a letter to the editor of English daily about the high prices of everyday necessities.

2. Paragraph Writing:

Paragraph on the benefits of early morning exercise/ Paragraph on value of newspaper reading

3.Flowchart :

  • Use of following flowchart to write a paragraph on how a building is constructed:

Drawing of a plan of the building by the architect-getting the plan sanctioned by the corporation or municipal authorities-engaging masons and laborers starting the construction with bricks, cement and sand fitting doors and windows-plastering of walls-wiring electric and water connections painting building completed-fit for living.

  • Write the following flowchart to write a paragraph on how soap is made:

Coconut oil caustic soda and water–heated for half an hour–common salt added–allowed to cool–left for 12 hours–cut  into pieces–ready for use.

3. Biography :

Write a biography of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad/ Shankha Ghosh/ Lata Mangeshkar.

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দশম শ্রেণীর সমস্ত বিষয়ের বই ফ্রি তে

প্রিয় ছাত্রছাত্রীরা তোমাদের আমাদের সাজেশন কেমন লাগলো সেটা নিচে কমেন্ট করে জানিও। যদি ভালো লাগে তাহলে তোমার বন্ধুদের সাথে অবশই শেয়ার করো।

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